Please take advantage of this end-of year offer - view my presentation, "Allergen Free, Why How?" (just words, no sound).
ALLERGEN FREE - Why, How? by Michelle HW Hill
Allergen Free Cooking, Why? How? by Michelle HW Hill
copyright 2011 Michelle HW Hill |
Why Allergen Free? Food Matters, You are what you eat!"
copyright 2011 Michelle HW Hill |
"What is food to one to others is fierce poison." - Carus 99BC |
Top 8: dairy (casein, lactose), egg (yolk/white: chicken, duck, quail), fish (freshwater and saltwater), crustacean shellfish (crab, lobster, shrimp), tree nuts (almond, cashew, Brazil nut, etc.), peanuts (legume: can cross-react with: peas, soybeans, beans), wheat (glaidin/gluten), soy (protein, lecithin, vitamin E to preserve freshness). |
Other major allergens/intolerances. |
Allergen versus intolerance. |
Confirming a food allergy/intolerance. |
The known offenders. |
Cost considerations. |
Before the change of diet ... |
Accepting changes: 5 phases - denial, anger bargaining, depression, acceptance. |
Informing others. |
Going gluten free ... |
Gluten free flours. |
Making GF flour. |
Binging agents. |
A note about OATS. |
GF diet notes. |
Dairy/casein. |
Milks |
Milks |
Cream and yogurt. |
Cheeses. |
Butter |
Nutritional yeast |
Soy, soy, everywhere! |
Soy, where isn't it? |
What about soy lecithin? |
Natural flavors |
Vitamin E |
Yes, you can! |
Michelle This is so well done. (as always!!!) I love how you put all the information together. I knew a lot of this, but my thinking is so scattered. Love it! Super resource for people.